Attendance at Brackenwood
“Barriers to attendance are addressed before they become entrenched, relationships with parents are forged from day one and no corners are cut. Staff have managed to nurture families and develop strong relationships whilst maintaining high levels of professionalism.”
At Brackenwood Infant and Junior Schools we describe attendance using the following colours:
Green – Attendance of 97% or above
Amber – Attendance between 92% - 96.9%
Red – Attendance between 90% - 92%
Persistently Absent (Red +) – Attendance below 90%
If learners are to get the greatest benefit from their education in school, it is important that they have good attendance and arrive punctually. As learners grow and prepare for their next stages of education and employment they need to see good attendance and punctuality as important qualities that are valued by others and employers. We will do all that we can to encourage good attendance and punctuality. Where learners are not able to follow our high expectations for attendance and punctuality we will put into place effective strategies to bring about improvement.
We believe that regular school attendance is central to raising standards in education and to improving the life chances of all children. Regular attendance at school enables children to gain maximum benefit from the range of educational and wider opportunities available to them. This Policy sets out the framework for how the council, parents, carers, local schools (including academies, free schools, independent schools and alternative provision establishments), governors, and partner services can work together to help all children within Wirral to achieve the highest possible levels of attendance.
Schools and Local Authorities are expected to work together to:
• Promote good attendance and reduce absence, including persistent absence.
• Ensure every pupil has access to the appropriate full-time education to which they are entitled.
• Act early to address patterns of absence.